Affinity health medical weight loss & wellness center
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- affinity health — Create a simple clean logo for a health & wellness center. We provide nutrition, weight loss, rehab and chiropractic Gewinngarantie Radiance MediSpa — Create a beautiful logo for anti-aging medical spa. It is a medical.
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- Genesis Prevention Centre, University Hospital of South Manchester NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester, UK restriction (CER) for weight loss, insulin sensitivity and other metabolic disease risk markers because of social, health or work-related factors (Figure 1). receptor affinity with energy restriction.
- Inspirierende Logo Design Wettbewerbe - 99designs
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IdealSelf — Create a hypnotic logo that emphasize how valuable the time is, in contrast with our mortal condtio. The product will help you plan better your free time, will motivate you to create better and healthier habits and wil Gewinngarantie Logo Design Unterhaltung und Kunst. We are a food cart that sells primarily soft shell homemade tacos. We need a fun logo! We are a new American craft brewery located in Wuhan, China and are preparing to bring real ales and lagers to this c Edge Electrons — Create a cutting edge logo for new power business Edge Electrons.
Background: This is a new technology company in the electricity industry. The new business has designed innovati Fast-Tracked Logo Design Technologie. Capital City Partners — Simple Corporate logo design. Investment Company with a focus on large real Wöchentliches Menü Gewicht verlieren investments Grafikdesign leicht gemacht 99designs bietet hochwertiges Grafikdesign zu einem Affinity health medical weight loss & wellness center Preis.
Los geht's. Designer, besuchen Sie uns. What can this achieve? For me, One Dress A Day was primarily a case of getting back to my roots. The fact that it results in something beautiful that will bring joy to other people makes it even better. This meditative way of working combined with the challenge of only working with surplus materials has opened up new perspectives, and I want to increase awareness of this direction among my customers — recognising the value of raw materials and demonstrating that we can still continue to develop even in bleak and uncertain times.
We live in a time that demands that we reinvent processes and find an individual rhythm. The market is more than open to the courage to experiment and products that tell a story. At least for now. It has been a continual learning process since then, despite having already worked as an accessories designer for large fashion labels for ten years.
As a small label there are many highs and Affinity health medical weight loss & wellness center, and it requires great perseverance to keep your head above water and to differentiate yourself on the market. It took all of that for me to establish that the usual path is not the. How did that come about?
How much has your work been disrupted over the last few months? To what extent was your creative working process interrupted? Adam Charlap Hyman: In terms of our Overgrow project for Walden, Andre and I designed the mural during our visit to the castle, took the necessary measurements and carried out the surveys that we needed in order to start painting. Fortunately that all took place much earlier, which meant we were able to complete the actual artwork in New York at a later date.
The final. How differently do you think the work will be received? The motif of the vines is both romantic and somewhat dark, as we want to allude to the fact that all places turn into ruins when they are taken over by nature.
Of course, it would have been much more intense for people to experience the castle, the surrounding nature and then the room with our Overgrow wallpaper in real life.
A virtual shop that you can navigate through: merely a reaction to the current circumstances or relevant for the future as well? That also includes the digital experience, which we have achieved with things like a virtual shelf. The trigger for the total digitalisation came from the enforced closure of our store due to the coronavirus, but it should also offer the possibility to link the digital world with the physical Saint Charles store in the future.
We tailor our tips on natural medicine according to the time of year in the form of videos or online articles, and also introduce new products that you can buy virtually in the digital store. Which new products have you released in reaction to the coronavirus crisis? Alexander Ehrmann: Initially, we faced huge bottlenecks with basic supplies like sprays and bottles.
As well as additional sizes of our hand sanitiser spray, the Saint Charles Apothekerspray, we have responded to the crisis with other products that boost the immune system, such as Saint Charles Oxymel, our new sour honey.
What do you recommend to people to help protect themselves, boost their immune system and maybe also counteract anxiety? Alexander Ehrmann: To boost the immune system, we would first of all recommend targeted dietary supplements, for example our Saint Charles Immun Booster capsules. Cistus plants also offer excellent qualities in boosting the immune system. The antioxidative potential of cistus is down to it being rich in polyphenols, with three times as much as in green tea and four times as much as vitamin C.
Aromatherapy works wonders for anxiety, for example our Saint Charles Anxiety Guard, which is Affinity health medical weight loss & wellness center available as a room spray.
Through the creation of the Saint Charles Cosmetics and Naturals series of products, the two pharmacists have been able to pursue their passion for the development of high-quality, sustainable and effective natural remedies and cosmetics. She looks optimistically to the future even in these difficult times, and is currently occupying herself with new collections and upcoming celebrations. So have you always relied on individuality?
To be quite honest, even in the first week I was aware that, as well as missing family, I was also missing contact with customers. Customers are grateful to have someone they can trust. I could write a book about how customers have been ripped off when buying online or whilst on holiday.
Yes, a lot. I think the industry has become a lot less personal because of online retail. I grew up experiencing the jewellery world as my parents knew it and I witnessed how generations of the same families shopped with us. What have you tried to keep the same or to change? With my individual customers, yes. Their initial perception of consultancy is dealing with problems like repairs or adjustments.
But that does mean some of them will buy locally where they have an actual person they can speak to. Are trends noticeable, and do you follow those trends?
Creative ideas are also influenced by trends in fashion and colours, as well as developments in architecture. Being different and not just following the masses is what drives me and I want to keep it that way. Are you optimistic about the future? I think there is a lot of truth in this statement. What do you think are the problems with the industry? The power of the big brands has become greater and greater. Jewellers are often used to advertise them and raise awareness of them, only for them to then open a mono-brand store right under their noses.
I have never been dependent on them, so I can relax. How do you deal with setbacks? I quickly analyse the problem or the whole situation and think about what I can learn from it for the future, or how I could do something differently.
She made it to the elimination round of the Schmuckstück des Jahres jewellery competition with a white gold ring set with an extraordinarily large aquamarine and white brilliant-cut stones.
The human way of life is based on cooperation, says primate researcher, linguist and philosopher Michael Tomasello. That it is necessary for us to cooperate. Amongst other things, this joy came in the form of the many recipes and cook-along videos streamed by well-known.
DET2 - Method of using nucleic acid ligands - Google Patents
There have probably never been so many photos of bread-making attempts and homemade meals posted on social media. The circumstances may have been difficult, but chefs and restaurant owners brought us so much joy while we were in lockdown.
Instagram: moyamilano moyasushi. In the meantime, things were livening up over on Instagram, with the kitchenquarantine sessions by Massimo Bottura proving immensely captivating. His videos are extremely entertaining and presented in a mixture of Italian and English. Watching and listening to him cooking will give you an instant sense of being on holiday — the Italian parts in particular conjure up images of Italy and all the glorious things. The latter broke out in a sweat baking a Belvedere torte and appeared somewhat jubilant while cooking up a paella, only for Paul Ivic to then refer to it on Instagram as just plain old rice with meat.
All rights reserved. For Simone and Adi Raihmann, enjoyment, well-being and health go hand in hand. At the heart of their feel-good cuisine are the spices that Adi grew up with in India, and to tie it all in with the knowledge of his ancestors, Adi has also trained as an Ayurveda coach.
We are extremely grateful to all the chefs that have brought such amazing recipes and fun into our homes. If you now want to give something back in return, go and visit them in their restaurants or buy yourself a copy of their beautiful cookbooks! Most people think so. After all, the planets were orbiting around the sun long before Copernicus came along, not orbiting the Earth, as they had believed in the Middle Ages.
There was also gravity before anything fell out of the hand of the first humans. But do facts always remain the same? Or do they evolve? A couple of years ago, a film crew needed a bear. They wanted it to break into a wooden cabin, destroy everything, then run away when a hunter came and fired a shot.
It dutifully broke into the cabin and wrecked the place, but when the shots were fired it ran out, jumped on a bicycle and rode away. Do you believe in evolution? What I mean is that homo sapiens is not the highest of all creation, it develops and will at some point die out — in the next six thousand to seven million years, if the mathematicians are to be believed.
Soon there will be creatures that look like speed cameras, discarded condoms or flattened energy drink cans. Five hundred years ago, the postal service was established and the pedal on a spinning wheel was considered rather mysterious, the work of the devil. Today, we can communicate no matter where we are and conjure up lunch using a 3D printer.
While the Wright brothers were still experimenting with flying machines, Albert Einstein had already proven that time and space are relative and that mass has energy.
Humankind inhabits but a speck of dust within a solar system that sits somewhere on the edge of an insignificant galaxy, and yet it has devised models for the blueprint of the world that differ so greatly from everyday knowledge that it will put your head in a spin. Physicists are able to calculate the weight of the universe and determine the time of the Big Bang, but that all goes out the window if you accept the existence of six other dimensions.
That involves space-time warps and quantum entanglement. We only realise the reality of it when we see it. Anything else is just a possibility. Countries have been closed down because of it and the world is experiencing its biggest crisis since the Second World War.
But despite this, I believe that humankind is capable of thinking to the edge of the universe, dealing with the pandemic and sticking its tongue out at the virus — just as Albert Einstein once did to the troublesome paparazzi. Thanks to the virus, we are going through an evolution that will make the world a bit better. I hope. Franzobel is an Austrian writer.
He has published numerous plays, works of prose and poems. Das Graseck is a hotel where you are free to dream and find a renewed sense of lightness through wellness, exercise, gastronomy — and of course that breath-taking view.
At the Quellenhof Luxury Resort Lazise, the extensive spa area offers enough space and time to ponder and allow your thoughts to drift away between the olive and pine groves. In the five-star Quellenhof Luxury Resort, the Dorfer family has soaked up all of this beauty and laid it all out for their guests to enjoy. In a spacious setting, you will benefit from uplifting spa experiences, exquisite cuisine and the ultimate holiday vibe while relaxing on a sun lounger gazing out over the olive groves or the natural swimming lake.
This holiday feeling will give you an instant pick-me-up and no doubt fill you with a renewed Affinity health medical weight loss & wellness center of levity. Thermal imaging cameras have been installed at the entrance to the hotel to measure the temperature of guests when both entering and leaving, and to identify those guests with a fever.
PCR and antibody tests can even be carried out in the resort and, on request, they can process. The hotel staff are of course also tested regularly. These processes will give guests the peace of mind to enjoy their holiday and all of its activities, including riding e-bikes, jogging, hiking, playing golf or taking an extended boat trip. The generously sized rooms are bright spaces you can retreat to, and you can also have your breakfast there if you wish. The resort boasts a view of the lake and offers its guests an enormous amount of space in all areas, be it at breakfast with open kitchenat dinner in the Panorama restaurant, where the team of chefs serves up traditional Italian dishes using regional ingredients, or in the bistro with its view of the garden or the 2, m2 wellness area.
The offering at the Quellenhof is as diverse as the surrounding region. Our tip for an enjoyable excursion: wend your way along the Via Gardesana lakeside road in a convertible and stop off at one of the wineries in nearby Bardolino for a tasting session! The landscape flickers past rapidly before the train starts to slow down with a groan, as if it is reluctant to reduce its speed. A train journey like this has its advantages. Rather than putting your foot flat to the floor and racing off on holiday, it allows you to glide away in a leisurely fashion accompanied by a good book, happy conversation or simply your own thoughts.
A friendly member of Gradonna staff is waiting to greet us at the station, and they drive us almost silently in a hybrid car to Kals, where the fresh, clean air almost overwhelms us — the resort is a car-free zone. The multi-award-winning, car-free mountain resort at the gateway to the Hohe Tauern National Park is home to the hotel, 41 timber-frame chalets and 12 exclusive suites, and is guaranteed to delight nature enthusiasts — be it with the food and natural cosmetic products from local mountain farmers, carbon-neutral bio heat produced by its own wood pellet boiler, charging stations for electric cars and electric bikes, or its own fresh spring water sources.
Furthermore, all of the timber buildings were built using wood from local forests, and the roofs of the chalets were planted with regional species, meaning the structures merge into the. The architecture impresses with its clean lines, while materials such as spruce, arolla pine, linen, loden cloth and Kals marble bring nature into the interior.
During a guided hike with a ranger in the Hohe Tauern National Park, we encounter cheerful marmots, discover chamois and even spot a golden eagle. At the end of the holiday, we jump into the natural bathing pool one last time and soak up the panoramic mountain view.
By the way, the bathing pool in the garden is heated by nature as well. We share what a perfect weekend at the adults-only hotel looks like, with a mix of both relaxation and invigoration. We taste our way through bacon and cheese from the local area, as well as delicious homemade cake and strudel. When we arrive back at the ElisabethHotel later on, we round off our active afternoon with a dip in the basalt pool. The perfect end to this first day is a candle-lit dinner in one of the cosy restaurant lounges.
We grab our rucksacks and start the ascent to the Olpererhütte. Situated at 2, metres above sea level, the hut looks out over the Schlegeisspeicher body of water in the Zillertal Alps and makes all the physical exertion worthwhile. We order Kaiserschmarren chopped up sweet pancakes and enjoy the view of the Zillertal ski area. Upon our return to the ElisabethHotel, we can feel that our calves are worn out so we decide to bring them back to life with a massage in the Elisense Treatment Area.
The interesting architecture of the Elisense spa provides ample space and tranquillity with saunas, steam baths and the basalt pool, while the water beds in the quiet room allow you to float away into a dream world. We choose to put our feet up in the Minotti Relax Lounge with its open fireplace and library. We also watched evening become night the day before, so we order breakfast in bed on Sunday morning.
Our 48 hours are almost up, but we decide to make the most of the time we have left. For us, that means going for a walk around the romantic garden and taking deep breaths of the lovely clean air. Surrounded by mountains towering over 3, metres high sits the Bergland in Sölden. An extensive network of hiking trails is just waiting to be discovered. You might even spot some animals, as sheep also love the lush meadows, and those who are interested can take a short walk to pay a visit to the herds of resident mountain sheep.
Why not give paragliding a go and soar above the mountains in a tandem flight, discovering not only the spectacular vista but also hikers, mountain bikers and, of course, the Ötztal mountain sheep. The roaring waterfalls and emerald-green water in the Auerklamm, Nederbach or the Rosengarten Gorge are truly a sight to behold, as well as being refreshing for body and soul.
The ravine in the Rosengarten Gorge can also be reached by foot via the paths and bridges and makes for an invigorating excursion. Getting out of the pool after an early morning dip is a feeling like no other — you can sense every muscle in your body and everything feels wonderfully fresh and revitalised. After that you can treat yourself to a couple of minutes in the hot tub followed by a hearty breakfast at the plentiful buffet.
The outdoor pool faces south east, meaning you can soak up the sun on the surrounding decking from early morning until late in the afternoon. I wake up in my incredibly comfortable box spring bed, open my eyes and gaze out at a gleaming blue sky edged with moving elements of green.
I listen and hear … nothing. I slowly roll out of bed, feel the wooden floor beneath my bare feet and get ready to ease myself into the day. A visit to the Tappenkarsee, one of the most stunning lakes in the Austrian Alps, is on my very short mental to-do list for today. And one of its more renowned highlights is the Hotel Bareiss in Baiersbronn. Bearing testimony to this are not only countless coveted awards and accolades, including three Michelin stars for its Restaurant Bareiss, but also the huge number of returning guests for whom the five-star-superior dwelling is not only synonymous with culinary excellence and cultured living of the highest order, but also with blissful spa relaxation.
Wonderfully spacious, state-of-the-art and stylishly elegant, the wellbeing and spa oasis, with a natural swimming pond, various freshwater and saltwater pools, a wide variety of different saunas and a Wöchentliches Menü Gewicht verlieren and spa treatment area, offers a haven of peace and soothing rejuvenation set amid stunning park grounds. Rooms and suites, rates depending on category and season Euro — per person including halfboard. Its high standard is reflected in the numerous top awards it has been honoured with such as the Wellness Heaven Award in the "Best Cuisine" category, inclusion in the renowned Hornstein Ranking, a three-Lily rating from the Relax Guide and the Top Hotel Newcomer Award.
All juries were impressed by the consistency and innovative strength of the hotel philosophy which perfectly combines traditional and modern elements in all areas. If guests want to do even more good for themselves, they try the Bergkristall cuisine, the professionally supervised fitness and activity programme and the atmospheric pool and sauna area with stunning, panoramic views of the mountains of the Allgäu!
Jubiläum eindrucksvoller und schöner denn je präsentiert. Das erfrischend-natürliche See-Feeling wird ergänzt durch Erholungs- und Relaxbereiche in und ums Gewässer. Last year, the Lingenfelder family made considerable investments to ensure that their exceptional resort in the Allgäu region would be even more stunning on the occasion of its 40th anniversary.
No fewer than seven areas were extensively renovated. Of its 4, square metres, 1, are reserved for swimming and square metres are set aside for nude bathing — ideal for cooling down after a visit to one of the many saunas. A lap pool integrated into the lake, an indoor leisure pool and an infinity pool with mountain views offer a paradise for water lovers.
The refreshing, natural lake ambience is enhanced by various chill-out zones in and around the water, while the exclusive private spa, highly effective massages, facial and body treatments and luxurious signature treatments ensure that no pampering wish is left unfulfilled.
Surrounded by fields and meadows, the five-star residence offers its discerning clientele some six hectares of space, ensuring an abundance of holiday freedom. Ob Hamam, Rasul, Tecaldarium oder Schaukelliegen — bei einem Aufenthalt stellt sich umgehend das wunderbare Gefühl innerer Balance ein. Womit noch nicht alles über die vielen Vorzüge des Hauses gesagt wäre. Centrepiece of the spa area are the three spacious pools — saltwater and freshwater — and the sauna complex with a selection of different saunas, a steam bath and the unique tranquillity room built into the slate mountain.
In the lavishly comfortable treatment rooms, including the newly renovated Private Spa, guests can place themselves in the hands of highly-qualified experts and savour massages on a quartz sand bed, Hydra facials and other highly effective treatments carried out using top-of-the-range products for long-lasting relaxation and a radiant appearance.
With a Hammam, a Rhassoul bath, a tecaldarium and swing loungers, this haven restores a wonderful sense of inner balance in next to no time. Qigong, yoga and shiatsu further enhance the positive effects on body and soul. This outstanding hotel, however, has even more to offer. Rund um das Hotel bieten sich viele Shoppingmöglichkeiten. Established and opened inthe Hotel EDELWEISS has developed into one of the most popular meeting places in the Berchtesgadener Land and offers guests as well as locals relaxation, fine dining, sports and wellness — all with a love of detail and a well-established family tradition in the hotel business.
A highlight is the 2, sqm wellness and spa area above the rooftops of Berchtesgaden which offers a haven of relaxation for body, mind and soul. A visit to the sauna area with its organic Swiss pine sauna, salt sauna and outdoor cascade showers will leave you feeling like new. The panoramic swimming pool and all-year heated outdoor rooftop jacuzzi Affinity health medical weight loss & wellness center, sqmmeanwhile, are perfect for getting away from it all.
Guests of the Edelweiss Berchtesgaden have a choice of four restaurants: the Hotel Restaurant, the Pizzeria Einkehr which serves international and Italian cuisine, the Gasthof Neuhaus typical Bavarian cuisine and the Restaurant Panorama on the 6th floor with marvellous views over Berchtesgaden and region.
Recreational activities which can be enjoyed throughout the year include hiking, golf, biking and skiing. Shopaholics will love the excellent choice of nearby shops. Insgesamt 79 luxuriöse Zimmer und Suiten sowie die sechs neuen Chalets erfüllen Wohnträume, geprägt von Stil und Eleganz. Feinste Tropfen aus dem gut sortierten Weinkeller komplettieren das Angebot. Wohltuende Massagen und Bäder runden das Angebot ab. A total of 79 rooms and suites and six new chalets oozing stylish sophistication offer unparalleled homes away from home.
In the elegant restaurant rooms and the cosy, country-style EngelwirtsStube, lovers of fine food can savour outstanding local Swabian specialities and international dishes expertly crafted by long-standing Head Chef Peter Müller.
Spanning an area of over 5, square metres, the spa oasis Wolke 7 is in a class of its own. Offering a world of relaxation, it boasts an abundance of indoor and outdoor facilities including a metre natural swimming pond, a saline floating pool embedded in a lounge of blue Persian salt stone and a wonderfully spacious sauna complex with no fewer than eight different saunas.
The spa, which also offers medical therapeutic treatments and personal training sessions, is the perfect antidote to the bustle of everyday life, restoring a sense of peace and harmony to body and soul. In the beauty area, soothing treatments are carried out using luxury brands such as Ligne St Barth. Blissful massages and bathing rituals round off the spectrum of services. Der lebhafte Ortskern ist in drei Minuten erreicht.
Das von Familie Sigges geführte Privathotel wurde in den letzten Jahren umfassend renoviert und präsentiert sich heute am Puls der Zeit. Elegant speisen mit Blick auf die Nordsee lässt es sich im Restaurant am Meer. In den hochwertigen Rahmen des Hauses fügen sich die Zimmer und Suiten, die allesamt durch Komfort und Wohnlichkeit überzeugen. The gentle sound of the sea, stunning panoramic views and unparalleled maritime flair — for guests residing in the spa and resort hotel Georgshöhe, supreme relaxation is part and parcel of their stay.
Privately run by the Sigges family, the hotel has undergone extensive renovations over the past years and today is very much in tune with the times. With one indoor and two outdoor seawater pools, the 4, squaremetre spa area offers a unique wellbeing experience. Boasting no fewer than seven different saunas, hydrotherapy showers and tranquillity zones — most with sea views — the sauna oasis is truly exceptional. Guests can savour pure, unadulterated relaxation in the form of soothing body treatments carried out on a Hammam table, beauty treatments, blissful massages, Thalgo rituals and whirlpool baths.
The Georgshöhe offers attractive packages all year round. One hundred and thirty-five rooms and junior suites in six buildings offer guests total peace and seclusion and Affinity health medical weight loss & wellness center comfort.
Nestled in the heart of a rambling English country park, the 1, square metre Garden Spa is the perfect place in which to leave everyday life far behind and pamper yourself.
affinity health — Create a simple clean logo for a health & wellness center. We provide nutrition, weight loss, rehab and chiropractic Gewinngarantie Radiance MediSpa — Create a beautiful logo for anti-aging medical spa. It is a medical.
A very special experience is offered by the exclusive Luxury Spa Suite whilst an extensive range of wellness and beauty treatments aid further rejuvenation. In the Medical Spa, meanwhile, the combination of traditional healing methods and modern medicine with various therapies and treatments is on the menu. The exquisite cuisine of this four-star superior hotel offers a further good reason to visit.
Heute wird diese Tradition der Gastfreundschaft von der gräflichen Familie in der siebten Generation fortgeführt.
Inspirierende Logo & Corporate Identity Wettbewerbe - 99designs
Ein ganz besonderes Erlebnis ist die exklusive Luxus-Spa-Suite. Sind das schon besonders attraktive Argumente, in diesem Vier-Sterne-Superior-Domizil zu logieren, so ist die feine Kulinarik ein weiterer Grund. Wer bei der Gastgeberfamilie zur Brügge logiert, erlebt den besonderen Zauber eines Hideaways direkt am See.
In den individuell eingerichteten Zimmern ist das Wohlbefinden der Gäste Herzenssache. Wohlige Wärme und Entspannung garantieren die zahlreichen Saunen. Danach kann man auf Wasserbetten, Schaukelliegen oder Wärmebänken ganz bequem relaxen. Set amid an extensive ten-acre park, this traditional family-run residence boasts all the comforts you would expect of a four-star superior hotel.
The hosts, the zur Brügge family, offer their guests an exquisite holiday experience in their enchanting lakeside hideaway. The individually appointed rooms are veritable feel-good oases. Spread over 1, square metres, the spa is a blissful oasis of wellbeing and, with an indoor pool with countercurrent and an outdoor pool with panoramic views, it offers a treat for water lovers too.
Guests can relax in the brine pool or whirlpool, cool off in the plunge pool, take an ice shower after a visit to the sauna or enjoy a swim in the Zwischenahner Meer lake. Warmth and deep relaxation can be savoured in the various saunas; the outdoor millwheel sauna is particularly attractive, while the lakeside wagon saunas offer a unique alfresco escape from the toils of everyday life.
Following their visit to the sauna, guests can unwind on waterbeds, hanging loungers or heated benches. The EidenSpa team offers pampering from top to toe with exfoliation treatments, body wraps, Ayurveda rituals and a selection of massages.
Das belegen zahlreiche hochkarätige Auszeichnungen genauso eindrucksvoll wie der hohe Stammgästeanteil. Die Gäste lieben die ruhige Idylle und den zauberhaften Landhauscharme in 75 stimmungsvollen und individuell eingerichteten Zimmern und Themensuiten. Dazu gehören u. Ganz im Sinne der familiären Tradition kommt der mehrfach ausgezeichneten Kulinarik des Hauses eine besondere Bedeutung zu. Das junge Küchenteam kreiert ausgefallene und kreative Gerichte mit frischen und regionalen Produkten.
Golfspieler freuen sich auf einen Golfplatz direkt vor der Haustür und 13 weitere Golfclubs in der Nähe. Boasting an exquisite fusion of traditional charm and contemporary chic, the stunning four-star-superior hotel, which has been owned by the Klump family for over years, is without parallel in the wider region.
Bearing impressive testimony to this are not only numerous coveted accolades, but also a large number of returning guests who appreciate the peaceful tranquillity and delightful country-house ambience of the 75 enchanting, individually designed rooms and themed suites. Crowning glory of this dream hotel is the ultra-stylish, light-infused Living Room Spa.
Spread over 2, square metres, it offers a wide spectrum of pampering and holistic relaxation for resident and non-resident guests alike. These include an indoor and outdoor pool, four saunas, two steam baths, a restful garden, a fitness centre with top-ofthe-range cardio equipment, various treatment rooms and even Wöchentliches Menü Gewicht verlieren spa cinema.
Using fresh, local products, the young team of chefs conjures up innovative, out-of-the-ordinary creations. After a mouthwatering meal, guests can visit the stylish bar and choose from a wonderful selection of nightcaps.
With one golf course right on the doorstep and 13 more in the close vicinity, golf fans are spoilt for choice. Meeting and party rooms, wedding location with Confideum, a small chapel in the garden Golfclub Weselerwald with hole course nearby. Alle sind miteinander verbunden und wirken fast wie ein kleines Dorf inmitten des beliebten Kurorts. Zwei gemütliche Restaurants mit bayerischem Flair lassen keine lukullischen Wünsche offen. All connected to one another, the ensemble of buildings resembles a small village in the heart of the popular little spa town.
Guests appreciate, above all, the high quality, the warm, genuine hospitality offered by the team of staff and the vast spectrum of amenities and activities on offer. In the two cosy, Bavarian-style restaurants, discerning palates are treated to delectable culinary delights. Spa devotees can savour blissful relaxation in the tranquillity area with five different saunas, enjoy tailored body and beauty treatments in Affinity health medical weight loss & wellness center treatments rooms and boost their health and vitality in the medical spa with therapeutic bath treatments and targeted physiotherapy.
Rooms and suites with fourstar superior comfort: accommodation prices depending on category and season from Euro per person including half board. Wer fastet, gewinnt Energie, tut Gutes für die eigene Gesundheit und verliert sogar an Gewicht. Fernöstliche Aromen, das exklusive Ambiente und die Symbiose aus asiatischen und europäischen Wellness-Anwendungen — das alles spielt in perfekter Harmonie zusammen. Fasting has many beneficial effects — it boosts energy levels, promotes good health and you can lose a few pounds at the same time.
The multiaward-winning Thai-Bali Spa exudes a magical aura. Oriental aromas, an exclusive ambience and a fusion of Asian and European spa treatments blend here beautifully to form a harmonious whole. Dort logieren, wo Obama, Merkel oder andere prominente Gäste die Vorzüge eines alpinen Hideaways der Extraklasse genossen haben? Das wird im Schloss Elmau mit seinen zwei einzigartigen Leading Hotels möglich!
Ebenso exzellent wie das Spa ist die Kulinarik. Gleich acht exquisite Restaurants stehen dem Elmau-Gast abends zur Wahl und sorgen für internationale Gaumenfreuden. Das kulturelle Angebot mit Klassik- Jazz- oder Literaturevents auf international höchstem Niveau ist Tradition und weltweit unübertroffen. Imagine spending a break in an unparalleled Alpine retreat, formerly graced by such world dignitaries as Barack Obama and Angela Merkel.
In Schloss Elmau, with its two unique Leading Hotels, you can do precisely that. This exquisite residence with its Spa Retreat and Cultural Hideaway offers the best of every world, appealing to discerning spa lovers, epicures and families alike. The Shantigiri Adult Spa offers a vast spectrum of amenities from pools and saunas to a tea lounge with an open fireplace. On a par with the spa as regards excellence, the cuisine is in a class of its own.
The hotel also boasts a long-standing tradition of cultural offerings. From classical music and jazz to literature events of the highest international standards, its portfolio is second to none worldwide.
Two 5 star hotels, one resort. In exponierter Lage auf einem kleinen bewaldeten Kap und mit Blick über den Bostalsee im Sankt Wendeler Land versteht sich das mehrfach ausgezeichnete Wellnessresort als Rückzugsort in der Natur. Enjoying a stand-alone setting on a small wooded headland with views across the Bostalsee lake, the multi-award-winning resort is an exceptional close-to-nature haven. With unbridled innovation and attention to detail, they have created a hotel that enchants relaxation seekers, sports fans, gourmands and nature and culture lovers in equal measure.
The hotel comprises 98 modern rooms and suites, the LUMI Restaurant with terrace, the NOX Bar with fireplace lounge, a library, three meeting rooms and the Seezeit Spa 2, sqm which includes a metre infinity pool and a Celtic outdoor sauna complex with a ritual site and smoking and fire pit. The spa concept has its roots in traditional healing practices and rituals introduced into this area by the Celts.
Ancient knowledge of the rhythms of life, seasons and healing herbs have been incorporated into sauna rituals, a programme of spiritual wellbeing and treatments carried out using products from Thalgo, Team Dr.
Meditations, morning rituals and yoga are on offer on a platform on the edge of the forest. Distance from airport: Saarbrücken 45 minutes Frankfurt 90 minutes Cologne 90 minutes Luxembourg: 60 minutes. Die historische Heringsdorfer Seebrücke ist nur ca. Gleich fünf Restaurants und Bars sorgen mit ihren vielseitigen, gesunden Köstlichkeiten für das lukullische Wohl.
In insgesamt 14 hervorragend ausgestatteten Behandlungsräumen erfolgen Anwendungen für Massagen, Beauty und Physiotherapie. The resort hotel incorporates seven buildings with rooms, suites and studios in a charming maritime design. Comforts include flatscreen TV, desk, minibar as well as coffee and tea-making facilities. Five restaurants and bars serve a wide choice of healthy dishes and offer an excellent range of culinary options.
Here guests can swim in a 20 m all-year heated outdoor pool or relax in the Vital Hydropool with underwater jet therapy massage seats. The masseurs, physiotherapists and beauticians in the Baltic Sea Grand Spa Usedom are distinguished by their outstanding expertise and guest empathy.
In 14 wellequipped treatment cabins, guests can enjoy a range of massages and beauty and physiotherapy treatments. Couples can choose the Private Spa Suite with a rhassoul, a massage room for partner treatments and luxurious Hydroxeur bath under a starry sky. Rates depending on category and season from Euro including breakfast. Comprising a Roman-style Affinity health medical weight loss & wellness center and a romantic Renaissance castle, the enchanting ensemble exudes a distinctive allure.
Immersed in a world of luxury, guests reside in 90 elegant, sumptuously comfortable rooms and suites, highlight of which are the opulent Roman Suites. Boasting ingeniously conceived layouts and meticulous attention to detail, the rooms offer lavishness of the sort that dreams are made of. Culinary dreams, likewise, come true here — in no fewer than three restaurants. Or a spot of blissful relaxation in the spa with swimming pool, whirlpool, steam bath, saunas and gym?
Under the auspices of Spa Manager Katja Eggert, the team of experts carries out soothing treatments exclusively using products from the brands Reviderm, EcoMedic, Landsberg and Vinoble Cosmetics. Das mondäne Ensemble aus römisch inspirierter Villa und romantischem Renaissance-Schloss versprüht einen ganz besonderen Charme.
Träume werden auch in Sachen Kulinarik wahr — und zwar in gleich drei Restaurants. Recently extensively renovated, the hotel which belongs to the Würth Group, offers 66 rooms and suites in five buildings. Several spacious rest rooms, an exclusive Private Spa Suite, rasul bath, high tech fitness room and much more fulfil all further spa wishes. With its in-house SanVino skincare series incorporating red wine and vine extracts, the spa also offers a unique skincare concept for men and women.
Keen golfers, meanwhile, should not miss the neighbouring hole Heilbronn-Hohenlohe Golf Club which is a member of the Leading Golf Clubs of Germany. A total of 66 rooms and suites, spread over five buildings.
Prices according to category and season: single room from Euro, double room from Euro including delicious breakfast buffet, drinks from the minibar, entrance to the spa world with pools, saunas and fitness area, free parking, free charging station, free W-LAN and a daily newspaper. Distance from airport: Stuttgart 60 minutes 70 km Nuremberg 60 minutes Small private and business jets or helicopters can land at the Adolf Würth Airport, which is 30 kilometres away.
Das zur WürthGruppe gehörende, aufwendig renovierte und neu in Szene gesetzte Ensemble besticht durch 66 Zimmer und Suiten, verteilt auf fünf Gebäude. Mit der hauseigenen SanVino-Pflegeserie aus Rotwein- und Rebenextrakten bietet das Spa ein einzigartiges Pflegekonzept, das sowohl für Damen als auch Herren bestens geeignet ist. Die Kuren und Treatments richten sich neben Menschen, die ihr allgemeines Wohlbefinden und ihre Gesundheit ganzheitlich verbessern wollen, speziell auch an Menschen mit Gewichtsproblemen, geschwächtem Immunsystem und Gelenks- und Rückenproblemen sowie Burn-outGefährdete oder Frauen in den Wechseljahren.
Wie im indischen Original gilt es auch im Holistic Ayurveda, die Lebensenergien Vata, Pitta, Kapha auszugleichen, um die Selbstheilungskräfte des Körpers zu aktivieren. Dies gelingt unter anderem mit der Ernährung, die auf regionale Produkte und die Grundprinzipien der ayurvedischen Lehre in vier Stufen, angepasst an die jeweilige Kur und Konstitution, setzt.
The Ayurvedic diagnosis and treatment methods are combined with conventional, natural and alternative medicine as well as special movement therapies and mental programmes. Treatment and therapies are aimed at anyone who wants to improve their overall health and wellbeing or those with weight problems, a weak immune system or joint and back problems as well as individuals at risk of burn out or women experiencing the menopause. This can, for example, be achieved with nutrition which incorporates regional produce and the basic principles of Ayurveda teaching in four stages adapted to the respective treatment and constitution.
The rooms and suites at the Ayurveda Resort Mandira are comfortable feelgood spaces in Ayurvedic hues, surrounded by the unique landscape of the Styrian thermal region provide space for relaxation, regeneration and mental detoxification.
Ob Kräuterdampfbad, Almsauna, Saunarium, Infrarotlounge oder Ruheräume mit Wasserschwebeliegen — alles dient dazu, dass sich Körper und Seele fallen lassen. In an idyllic secluded setting surrounded by meadows, forests and mountains, the four-star superior Hotel Bergblick now welcomes guests after an extensive refurbishment.
A highlight is the panoramic view of the mountains of the Tannheimer Valley at the foot of mount Aggenstein which is breathtaking. The feeling of being well and truly away from it all, here at an altitude of 1, metres, is enhanced further with the new in and outdoor panorama pool with exclusive lawn area.
In fact, everything in the hotel is dedicated to individual wellness, pampering and wellbeing. After its redesign, guests can now enjoy a new look reception area, lobby, restaurant and bar as well as a new spacious deluxe suite and new junior suites in the main house. The regular guests, many of whom come from far afield, can already look forward to their new wellness and hiking Hotel Bergblick.
In the Bergblick SPA, wellness lovers can restore their inner balance and harmony and relax with a herbal steam bath, alm sauna, saunarium, infrared lounge and rest rooms with floating lounger for the ultimate in pampering. Yoga, a choice of scrubs, masks and detox treatments as well as sound and herbal stamp massages provide many further blissful moments. Kraft und Ausstrahlung von natürlichen Materialien machen auch die 86 Suiten in acht Kategorien so besonders heimelig.
Located in the heart of Sölden, this time-honoured hotel run by the Grüner family has been welcoming international guests for over 60 years. Thanks to an abundance of natural materials, the 86 suites in eight different categories radiate a unique comfort and warmth.
When it comes to epicurean comforts, the team of chefs showcase their culinary creativity each evening with delectable, authentic sixcourse menus, prepared using local products.
The Sky Spa offers a particular highlight. Boasting a prime setting above the rooftops of Sölden, it is nothing short of breathtaking. If your pill has no imprint it could be a vitamin, diet, herbal, or energy pill, or an illicit or foreign drug.
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